

People Online

Our time and attention is our most precious commodity – learn how to capture it

Say ‘no more!’ to snore-inducing endless Zooms.

We’re Zoomed out.

Which is not much fun when you’re a professional coach, trainer or consultant who teaches, consults, coaches or facilitates online.

Talking to a black screen of people who are (eating? sleeping? on the loo?) not engaged can suck your life force. If you – as the presenter or teacher – are Zoomed out, can you imagine how your participants feel?

I should know. I’ve been presenting online for years, including two days of 9-5 training with international students, from the comfort of my home office.

Teaching or facilitating face-to-face is far easier to develop rapport and be engaging. But online? It’s a whole different ball game.

Engaging People Online (Non-Boring) Training

The quick and easy lowdown on how to engage participants – and yourself! – when you’re presenting online.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to choose a winning topic for your online event or training
  • How to quickly and easily test your topic ideas
  • What’s in a name? How to double your chances of success with a fabulous name
  • Designing your online event to make it easy for participants to get great value
  • How to break the ice with strangers as well as clients, without weird (and gross!) forced intimacy
  • What to do and what NOT to do
  • How to create a psychologically safe environment to encourage participation and a memorable online event
  • Earning people’s attention and engagement
  • Cultivating, influencing and shifting the energy of the group
  • Managing your own mood
  • The art of the humble brag – how to talk yourself up without sounding like a boring braggart.

Your ability to earn people’s attention and engage them in what you’re teaching or facilitating is the difference between something completely forgettable, and your next raving client and booking.

Nobody owes you their time and attention. You have to earn it

Brook McCarthy business coach

Hi, I’m Brook McCarthy


I’ve been teaching and training online since 2013. I’ve facilitated all types of online events, from short-and-sharp webinars to 160+ people for vocational colleges to excite their students and potential students, to intimate masterminds.

I’ve designed and developed online training courses on behalf of institutions such as Academy XI and General Assembly, and have taught online seminars to 18 year-old university students on how to do TikTok marketing (which made me feel very old). 

There is no type of online event that I have participated in, organised, facilitated, or sold.

In this short, sharp training, I’m sharing the best of what I’ve learnt over the last 10 years about how to engage people online.

When we’re engaging, we’re paying attention.
When we’re paying attention, we’re open to change.

What you’ll learn

This quick-and-painless (like ripping off a bandaid) training covers:

Choosing your topics

Co-creating your topics with your audience, to maximise your likelihood of success (8.11 mins).

Naming your online event

Name everything! Naming creates meaning in other people’s minds and makes your event memorable, engaging, and share-worthy (6.49 mins).

Designing your event

Quick-and-easy curriculum design (15.32 mins).

Working with energy

Learn how to you shift the energy of the group when it’s stuck or too stimulated, or you simply want to change things up. Learn how to you manage your own energy, as the presenter? (9.31 mins).

The art of the humble brag

Learn how to talk about yourself, to build credibility, trust and confidence from other, without sounding dull, or like an outrageous braggard. (4.27 mins).

Get instant access to this training

Just $29

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This is 52 minutes of video training in short, sharp videos (and private podcast, to listen and learn on-the-go).

Just $29

“Brook has a gift for plain speak that is also galvanising and encouraging if you’re struggling with idea generation, and then the ‘doing’ part.”

Cherise Vallet

Thrive Therapeutic

“I have done a couple of Brook’s mini courses and found them invaluable – quick, productive and thoroughly on point. Brook is refreshingly direct, approachable and totally the real deal.” 

Janie Rose

Petal and Rose

“I LOVED working with Brook. Her expertise, fun personality and her practical deliverance of advice made my time working with her so very enjoyable. I have seen a noticeable increase in my productivity and income.”

Rhianna Smith

RS Events