
Smart people are on the list

Program participant numbers are strictly limited, we only open twice a year for a (very) limited time, AND we have fast-acting bonuses. So jump on the wait list if you’re tickled.

Self-employed women are working far too hard for far too little


You can earn far more money while working fewer hours.

It’s more than possible to magnify your impact, do your best work AND earn excellent coin.

You can work for love AND money, combining hustle AND heart.

It’s possible to create more leverage and freedom in your business, so that you’re freeing up your time for more deep work, higher quality clients and greater impact.

It can be simple to make your marketing far more magnetic and sell much more. But simple doesn’t mean easy, or everyone would be doing it.

Is this you?


You're working hard and getting good results but don't see how you can earn more doing what you're doing


You're sick of being the town's best kept secret and ready to reach more people and magnify your impact


You're a values-based business owner who's sick of compromise. You want to work for love AND money and don't believe these are mutually exclusive


You want to create powerful marketing that is an authentic reflection of what you stand for


You want more clarity in your direction and confidence in your plan so you're not wasting time, effort and angst


You're sick of having your prices negotiated and are ready to magnetise your ideal clients to you

If you’re nodding along to the above questions, and you feel the pull towards consistent $10K+ months, then this is exactly what you need.

Working far too hard for far too little

Self-employed women aren’t earning enough – a study by the Australian Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry found that most don’t pay themselves at all, and only 37% of women pay themselves a market wage.

Most women launch businesses with no money, or using personal savings. The gender pay gap gets wider in self-employment, not narrows.

We’re working far too hard for far too little, with not nearly enough support to keep up the dreaded ‘juggle’. Something’s got to give.

Inconsistent marketing and lacklustre sales

Most of us fall into running our own business, with little or no knowledge of sales, marketing, or how to run a business.

Promoting ourselves and our services often makes us feel self-conscious, pushy, or inauthentic. So our marketing reflects this.

We may do ad hoc marketing, copy what others are doing (and feel worse), or not do marketing at all. Inconsistent marketing means unpredictable sales and inconsistent cashflow.

And a lack of impact, despite all the hours and efforts we put in, starts to drain our enthusiasm and self-confidence.

Letting self-doubt become self-sabotage

Growing your business provokes stress and fear, which can easily derail self-confidence. With 538 decisions to make before lunchtime, self-doubt is common. And with little support nor a clear plan, it’s easy for self-doubt to become self-sabotage.

We become stuck and indecisive, trying to deal with stress, uncertainty, competitiveness, anxiety, and procrastination.

When self-doubt becomes self-sabotage, we take far too long to make decisions. We let clients dictate. We’re reacting and responding, growing more stressed, and more resentful.

Hi! I’m Brook McCarthy.

I’m the creator of the Hustle & Heart program.

I’m a values-based business coach and marketing trainer, with 17 years’ experience in online communications.

I created the Hustle & Heart program because a saw a need for training+coaching that combined technical skills with personal development. That combined hustle with heart. That married profit with passion.  

Working more hours in your current business won’t make you more successful.

You know that already.

It’s not for lack of trying that you’re stuck in an earning plateau, unable to attract the right people, who pay the right price, for the years of experience and expertise that you know you have.

You’ve tried a few things, joined a few programs, listened to the “online business gurus” tell you that you just need to: 

  • Believe in yourself and the magnificence of the universe’s abundance
  • Send 50 snaps a day, every day to strangers on the internet
  • Spend $5000 a month, every month, on social media ads
  • Point at words in Instagram reels
  • Get your mug on video
  • Or (the worst) “know your worth!”

But it leaves you feeling cold, and more isolated than ever. 

The truth is, you don’t want to “do business” like everyone else. You want to use your values as your GPS system, lead with your social mission, and be generous online, sharing your expert opinion naturally and easily.

There’s a better way to work, where you can magnify your impact while earning consistent $10K+ per months. For love AND money.

It’s not just marketing and sales skills that you need. It’s the courage and self-trust to apply these in a way which is uniquely your own.

Let me show you how.

Is designed to magnify your impact.

We do this in three key ways:

Grow your

Module 1: Your new money story

Examine your beliefs around money and learn a new, radically reasonable model for money to take charge of earning the money you want to earn. You’ll finish with a revenue goal, profit plan and offerings snapshot – so you know exactly where your profit is coming from, how to deliberately build it, and what parts are bleeding you money.

Module 2: Dreams, goals and values

Reconnect with your purpose, define your goals and learn how to infuse your values into your branding, messaging, operations and customer service. You leave with your vision and mission – nailed. Plus, set meaningful goals for yourself that are in alignment with your values and the way in which you want to show up in the world. You’ll take the work done in module 1 and turn this into a revenue target.

Module 3: You and me

Get inside the heads of your ideal client so that your story and their stories interweave. You’ll write your dreaded About page and bio and use these to update your social media channels so you’re brand is consistent, know exactly who you’re talking with, and translate this into your Content Strategy plan, to magnetise your perfect-fit people to you.


Module 4: Becoming a beacon

Position yourself as a leader in your field to attract opportunities and future-proof your business. We look at your website and how to make Google love it, the new world of influence, including PR and publicity, blogging and SEO, networking and purposeful partnerships. You’ll leave with a new, improved website and the know-how and plan to build your influence.

Module 5: Selling with love

Learn how to communicate value and use love to sell. You’ll leave with a preliminary sales page (for your next big thing) and a sales page, to help you sell effectively online. You’ll learn how to turbo-charge your money-making skills, write winning proposals, and overcome your inhibitions, to actually enjoy sales conversations.

Module 6: Co-creating community

Turn up the volume of your marketing, with email, blogging and social media. You’ll learn the art of asking better questions, how to write killer headlines and blog shells in moments, and how to create graphical assets easily. You’ll walk away with a new attitude and plan to create a buoyant, enjoyable, profitable community online (and face-to-face).

Invest in your

Module 7: Leverage & Automate

Duplicate yourself with smart technology so you can ensure your marketing isn’t so time-consuming. You’ll walk away with your marketing plan done, your lead magnet to attract new people and build your email list, and your email funnel finished. Plus, you’ll get your life back, and make marketing more regular, with automation and scheduling software.

Module 8: Banking confidence

Build momentum, create robust plans, and deal with oscillating self-confidence, change and uncertainty. Copy-and-paste swipe files and hear exactly how to word your pitches, proposals and price rises. You’ll walk away with everything you need to improve your productivity, deepen your self-care, and grow self-confidence.

Module 9: Boss moves

What next? When you’re on the up-and-up, it’s time to grow your capacity, strengthen your ecosystem of support and deepen your self-care. You’ll walk away with a key business metric plan, and a far greater understanding of how to coach yourself through difficulties, complex feelings, and other business challenges. You’ll assess where you’re at, and what you’re doing next.




your business strategy

Brook, I need to be honest. The last fanmail I sent was as a 12 year old girl. I wrote to Dolly magazine, asking them how to contact Jonathan Taylor Thomas from Home Improvement. (BTW, I got my letter published and $25 for my troubles). Anyway, I am now writing a fan (e)mail to you – your program is solid gold! You are a genius! I have got SO much out of it, more than I had ever thought possible.

It’s just starting week four and if I stopped now I would still be stoked that I have 110% received my value for money on Hustle and Heart. It has been so incredibly practical and useable and I’ve learned and instantly applied the content.

Emily Eglitis – Physiotherapist and Clinic Owners, PhysiYoga

I’ve been receiving Brook’s emails and reading her blogs for some time and knew she was good at pulling the pieces together to form a meaningful, powerful story.

Since doing the Hustle & Heart program, I’ve launched a new brand and website and started marketing properly. I used to feel anxious about whether or not I was going to make it on my own.

I feel far more confident now and brave about bringing my unique background and perspective to what I’m doing.

Sharyn Coughlan – Coughlan & Co.

I used to cringe at the idea of marketing which I believed compromised my integrity. I felt that integrity and marketing were mutually exclusive.

This program changed my whole outlook and gave me the tools to get in the game. Brook’s enthusiasm creates a wonderful buzz and an energy of doing! Do yourself a favour and get on it!

Natalie Windsor – Psychologist

Learn how to magnify your


I joined the Hustle & Heart program because I’d been to Brook’s course and knew she wasn’t one of those ‘one size fits all’ coaches with no expertise nor experience.

Since doing the program, my community has grown. I’ve had several speaking gigs and my public workshop process is embedded, plus I ran a big two-day course on video conference for the first time.

I really liked the community aspect of the program and the accountability buddy system, which helps overcome the isolation that so many of us self-employed people feel.

Jenny de Lacy – The Visibility Coach

This program reminded me that all the tools and opportunities are here within me as well as ‘out there’, to kick ass at growing my business filled with passion and serious hustle.

I’ve put my prices up since the program, I sold out my new course, for which I charged at premium, and have attracted pretty much all new people beyond my small community.

I’ve made far more profit from changes made that were inspired by the program. Your work has enabled me to move forward with clarity and confidence!

Helen Wilkes – The Collaborative, Maroubra

I really appreciated Brook’s way of understanding my obstacles to being the best business person I can be, and giving me practical strategies to address those obstacles.

The program has helped me ‘get my hustle on’ and have the courage to turn ideas into action. Highly recommended!

Janet Lowndes – Psychologist, Mind Body Well

Hustle and Heart is a ‘real’ coaching program with plenty of community support. Brook is excellent at touching base each day and keeping the group on-track and motivated!

Since the program, I have more clarity for my clients in setting expectations, and new ideas, inspiration and motivation.

Gina George – Artist

Bigger growth and bigger risks doesn't need to mean bigger stress

Brook, once again you’ve opened up the process of reflection and direction setting. I have a clearer direction on where to take my business over the coming years. I have a plan and goals I’m excited by and far more clarity in what I’m doing. Having an online community of support is really useful and I look forward to spending more time here in the years to come.

Leonie Lockwood – Leonie Lockwood Yoga

The Hustle and Heart program encouraged me to stay focused on what was important. I realised that our business was not projecting far enough ahead and that we were getting caught up in unnecessary details. I learnt how to grow our plans to suit a potential new market.

Kaye Tribe – Academy of Yoga Learning

Brook is the best coach! She keeps it very real and explains concepts in an easily digestible way. I’ve become a whole lot more comfortable in business and finally feel like I have direction and purpose behind how I do things. Brook is incredibly generous in how much information and advice and access she provides. I’ve just put my price up by 50%. I now have a full class with a wait list!

Kathy Gaudiosi – KinKou Yoga

Hi! I’m Brook McCarthy.

I’m head trainer and business coach here at Hustle & Heart.

I’m a digital marketing trainer and business coach who’s been self-employed since early 2008. I’ve been working in online communications and Public Relations for more than 19 years and have always worked in small businesses.

Through coaching and training, I’ve developed and delivered training on behalf of many organisations (see below), and worked closely with countless individuals to launch and grow their businesses.

The Hustle & Heart program is my flagship offering – the culmination of the digital marketing and sales best training to help you create compelling marketing, grow your professional reputation and amplify your impact. No fluff. No hype. Just highly practical marketing and sales training, and business coaching to help you get through the psychological hurdles to implement!

Brook has an uncanny ability to get right to the heart of whatever is holding you back from your desired success and growth. Working solo can be difficult at times, Brook is constantly facilitating connections between clients to share intel and provide support to each other both during and beyond the program. One of the things Hustle & Heart emphasises is celebrating the wins and enjoying moments of success. It’s been fantastic to change that mindset and chase the joy and opportunities inherent in working for myself.

Sonia van de Haar – Lymesmith
I joined the Hustle & Heart program because I was ready to accelerate my side business. In the middle of the program, I lost my job and became full-time self-employed. Since the program, I’ve revised my website and launched a couple of new offerings. I’m feeling more comfortable writing about myself and my business and my brand is far stronger as a result. What I found invaluable in doing the Hustle & Heart program is coming to the realisation that I don’t need to do what everybody else is doing. 

I love what the program stands for: to use your values to define your brand and guide your decisions. To create and refine your business to suit your uniqueness. And to take risks, experiment, back yourself and keep stepping outside of your comfort zone. My confidence has grown as I’ve seen others in our community do just this, and it’s so good to have a supportive community to fall back on when you’re doing something brave.

Nicky Angelone – Flourish Mindfully

I began my business around 18 years ago in the year 2000. I’ve known Brook for a long time and had had one-to-one business coaching with her some years ago. When I opened the first Hustle & Heart module about money, and particularly Brook’s concept of elegant sufficiency, I knew I’d made a good decision to join the program. Brook doesn’t just care about business, she cares about people’s best interests.

Since the program, my attitude towards business has had a makeover! It’s influenced the way I think about money and given me a far more practical way of approaching things. I’ve just co-hosted my first pregnancy retreat and was recently asked to speak at the Yoga Australia Conference. I’m excited about the future!

Fiona Donohue-Bales – Womb in Bloom

I’ve run my catering business, Fat & Skinny Catering, for almost 14 years now. I love what I do but I felt like it didn’t matter how hard I was working, I wasn’t able to make any more money. I started the business as a lifestyle choice but I wanted to step it up to the next level, as a single Mum with two kids to support.

I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that I only completed the first module – which is all about money. Because my profitability was so much higher, I made back the cost of the program 20 times over! Thanks to that single Hustle & Heart module, I’ve just had the best Christmas period in 14 years. Since then, the average client spend with Fat & Skinny Catering has gone from $1200 per gig to $3500. We had the best Christmas period we’ve ever had since I did Hustle & Heart – the business took more in that one month than in a normal year.

Nicky Angelone – Flourish Mindfully

Brook focused me on compiling a list of ‘most likely’ candidates to do my first year-long program and to focus the majority of my marketing efforts there. To be honest, I was skeptical. But I did it and got my target number of 10 people committed!

Since doing the program, I’ve revised my website, and become far more confidence since reexamining my branding, positioning, and reputation. It’s helped me understand trustworthiness and how it goes hand-in-hand with business. Hustle & Heart really challenged me to think differently – to let go of the way we’ve been conditioned to see the world.

Nikki Shilling – Active Intentions

Brook is completely committed to her students. Her approach is genuine and always straight to the point, enabling me to find solutions that are simple and systematic. The wealth of information Brook shared is humungous and relevant to today’s values-based business approach. The content shared during the program will keep me learning and applying throughout the next year. Thank you!

Donna Zaffino – Project Grow

This is for you if you’re serious about growing your business and moving into doing your best work. Brook is direct, knowledgeable, passionate, enthusiastic and very generous. The training is brilliant, delivered in very user-friendly formats. I cannot thank you enough for this program. Best online learning I’ve ever done.

Bettina Pfannkuch – The Art of Balance

Thanks so much Brook. You are a great coach and really stand out from the others. You have a great knowledge and understanding of marketing for small businesses like mine. I have learned so much and will continue to use it and go back to it whenever I need to.

Mieke Krijgsman – Smart Styling

Nab your spot on the wait list

Program participant numbers are strictly limited, we only open twice a year for a (very) limited time, AND we have fast-acting bonuses. So jump on the wait list if you’re tickled.