
Fortune favours the Audacious

(Desiderius Erasmum)


Audacious is a 6-month mastermind for driven business owners who are ready to make their next strategic, high-impact move.

Brook McCarthy business coach

Imagine what you’re capable of, when you’re audacious?

Are you ready to become the rabble-rousing, category-defying Powerhouse that you know you're capable of becoming?


Imagine if …


You had the support, coaching and accountability, to be truly AUDACIOUS?

All owners grapple with thousands of decisions, large and small. Where to focus, what to pursue, and what to ignore, delegate, or outsource.

We all have our blindspots, which can be a massive liability in our business if we don’t have a coach or a tight-knit business circle to lovingly point these out.

Our blindspots can cost us time, effort, money, and rob us of the self-satisfaction of smashing our goals.

Knowing what our blindspots are – and having strategies to work around them – is the difference between a business or owner with tonnes of ‘potential’ and a business that’s scaling, and profitable.

We can’t see our own blindspots

Imagine if …

You had an entirely different structure & focus in your business.

You took CEO action

You prioritised your focus each week on high-value activities, including pitching and collaborations, sales and marketing. Imagine if this was easy, because you had the support and resources you needed.

You had clarity & purpose

Imagine being in complete alignment with your goals and purpose, knowing exactly what you’re working towards – and how to get there. Your efforts are turbocharged, as you see and seize opportunities, and build partners and supporters.

You had a detailed action plan

You always knew your key priorities each week, with one-to-one accountability coaching and support, to ensure you followed through. Imagine knowing exactly what to ignore, delegate or outsource, as well as how to do so. 

The four key elements of Audacious

Health must be our daily priority if we're to better deal with stress, expand our capacity, and ramp up our energy, joy and enthusiasm (not just for our business, but for our life!).

Strategy makes our efforts that much more effective by working to our strengths, creating contingencies for our weaknesses, and finding the fastest path toward where we want to go.

We become a creative supernova by feeding our creativity and practising it daily. To inspire our clients, you must first be inspired. Together, we practise creativity daily, in order to grow it.

Energetic deepens our wisdom, intuition and self-trust, regardless of fluctuating emotions and daily fortunes. Energetic strength sharpens our energetic capacity and charisma.

Brook McCarthy

Your Audacious captain, Brook McCarthy

I’m Brook McCarthy, your audacious business coach. From 16 years ago, when I started my business, to now has NOT been one smooth upward trajectory. It was a process moving from ‘freelancer’ to ‘boss’ and a process to elevate my expertise and take control of my thinking and identity, to become a leader.

But after some years of lurching from one mini-emergency to the next, I was done with reacting and responding to other people’s priorities. And I was sick of wishing and hoping and praying to be chosen. I decided to back myself, stop waiting and start being audacious.

Your business network, your business friends and your regular routine of networking and pitching, promotions and marketing, collaborations and partnerships, is essential to your business’s future. The actions you take today bear the fruit in months (and years to come). I’m here to support you and show you how.

Kind words from clients

“Brook has the holy grail combo of no-nonsense business first, with a marketing lens.

Coaching with Brook has renewed my faith in my own decision-making compass. The launch of three unique product lines has been far more scalable and less reliant on my personal contacts and my personal hours. I’d happily recommend Brook’s business coaching.”

Cath Nolan, Gender Gap Gone

“Brook understands online businesses at a grassroots level. She knows her stuff, well! A compassionate, yet direct coach, she doesn’t waste time selling a concept, getting distracted or trying to change everything to her way . She works with you where you are whilst directing you clearly and practically to your goals. I recommend her coaching and programs to anyone who is ready to do the work and go to the next level!”

Rachel Scoltock

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with, being challenged by, and growing with Brook for over 3 years. Brook’s honesty is so refreshing and supportive. As an expert in all things business, I highly recommend having Brook as part of your team – from pre-launch, to launch, and to help you remain current and pivot as required. Brook is an exceptional cusiness coach.”

Char Sergen, Haven Yoga Studio

What’s involved & included

Across 6 months…


business mastermind

We meet once a month for group coaching. Each month is focused on a theme (such as business-to-business sales, guest podcasting, strategic networking & partnerships, digital ads, your offer suite.)

We meet once a month for your one-to-one coaching with veteran business coach with Brook McCarthy, to progress your goals and action plan, and get insights on complex situations, including your mindset, focus and procrastination, business strategy and messaging, or tricky relationships.

Each week, you’ll have accountability coaching from our coach Kate Cowley, to keep you centred in your identity as CEO, focused on the right things, and in the right frame-of-mind to smash your goals.

You have one-to-one feedback from Brook on any business assets, including marketing, sales or offerings assets, to make sure your efforts are impactful.

Join our regular ‘get it done’ sessions, dedicated to sprints of focus, with the camaraderie and support of your peers.

You’ll have as-you-need-it support and education from Brook, Kate and your Audacious community. This community is critical, because courage is contagious and we all need more support than we’re likely getting.

We also have four Masterclasses with external experts, on topics voted by you, to ensure these are as relevant and valuable as possible.

My promise


You will see exactly how it’s possible to hit your goal, whether that’s $20K+, $30K+ or $50K+ months, by working to your strengths, values and preferences, with a business that fits you perfectly.

You won’t be conforming to one way of doing things – the strategies we co-create are as unique as you are, and designed for your strengths, goals, opportunities and desired lifestyle. I’ll coach you through becoming FAR more discerning about what to double down on, what to tweak and what to stop, so you have a business plan that’s unique to you.

You’re not a number. I cap this mastermind at 10 owners, so I can properly get to know every single person’s story, unique gifts, and (limitless) potential.

I will remind you of what’s truly possible, how simple it can be, and your greatness, so you don’t get trapped in fear or caught up in the self-sabotage stories that pop up when we accelerate our growth.

You will never not know your next step (whether that’s your next strategic big move or inner work that needs to be done).

You can trust that you’re capable – because I only accept participants who I am 100% trusting are ready and capable of $20K+ months and I will never try to push you into this mastermind.

Brook McCarthy speaker

Let’s do this!


You don’t find time for the most important things in your business, you redesign your approach to time

The finer details

Please take the time to read every word of this page.

And if there’s a question or concern that’s not addressed here, you can use the chatbot (bottom left corner) to send me a message, or email me direct: brook (at) brookmccarthy.com

01 Who is this for?

Audacious is for ambitious and experienced values-based business owners who are already earning good money, and want to earn more, while doing what they love. It’s for owners who know the power and value in coaching, support, collaboration and reciprocity.

It’s for people who are ready to make decisions and take full responsibility for themselves, their businesses and their happiness.

02 Who is this NOT for?

Audacious is NOT for people who confuse talking with action and good intentions with follow-through. It’s NOT for people who have a sense of entitlement, who believe that building a business should be easy, or who don’t understand that life is reciprocal and intimately interconnected. To have good things happen to you, you first need to do go things and be a good human. No energy vampires or child-adults.

03 How many people in the group?

The group is limited to just 10 business owners, to make this as intimate and high-value as possible.

04 What are the topics of the masterclasses and who will run them?

The masterclass topics are decided on collectively, via individual surveys and observation. Each masterclass expert is carefully chosen by Brook to ensure that their teachings are relevant to the group, and (of course) high quality.

05 How does the accountability work?

Audacious has its own inhouse accountability coach, Kate Cowley, who’s been Brook’s personal accountability coach for seven years now. Kate is a fabulous blend of support and encouragement as well as directness and no-nonsense. Kate keeps you accountable to your Action Plan and your week-to-week priorities. She ensures that you set your conditions up for success, which includes health, wellbeing, creativity, and fun (fun has its own value!).

06 When are the monthly calls?

The monthly calls (both the group coaching as well as your one-to-one coaching) will happen on Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays and/or Thursdays, at a time that’s convenient to you. As this is a small democratic group, we do our utmost to ensure that the times picked work for all of us, while also appreciating that you can’t please everyone.

07 How do I know if this is for me?

Audacious is for you if you KNOW what you are capable of. There’s not an ounce of doubt within you that you’re ready for big things – big cash months (double, triple what you’re currently earning), perfect-fit clients, personally meaningful, intellectually stimulating work, and plenty of time to develop your ideas, invest in your thinking, and take Fridays off (if that’s what you desire).

And yet (in the next breath), you find yourself wondering “but HOW do I do that?”

It’s sometimes scary to admit but you know how powerful you are and you know what you’re capable of. But you know the value of coaching, mentorship, support and accountability and you’re ready to make the decision to go for it.