
Goals & planning, with YOU in the centre

The power of goal setting and planning happens when you’re aligned with your values, vision, and big picture mission.

And these, dear owner, are harder than they seem.

Most goal setting and planning processes simply don’t work. We grab a convenient “should” goal (borrowed from other people), do some procrasti-planning, and JOB DONE.


Appropriating other people’s goals and planning ourselves into a straightjacket makes as much sense as ordering raspberry sorbet when you’re a double choc chip kinda person.

Too much of this, and the owner becomes disillusioned and decides, you know what? Setting goals and planning doesn’t work.

Nothing could be further than the truth. Goals clarify our focus and planning is the roadmap to get us there. But traditional goal setting and planning DOESN’T work for those of us who are creative, passionate, distractible – in other words, most of us.

My Aligned Goal Setting & Business Planning (that *actually* works) is a 7-part series of short, actionable video trainings, delivered over 7 days.

This is the process I’ve led my clients through over the last several years, in groups and one-to-one, to get to the heart of their desires, stop ‘shoulding’ all over themselves, and actually get (important) shit done.

Hi! I’m Brook McCarthy

I’m a business coach and trainer with 12+ years’ experience in coaching and training, 16+ years in business, and 19 years in digital communications.

I’m not a natural planner (I’m more of a ‘pull a rabbit out of hat’ gal). But I’m ambitious and I hate wasting time (I’d rather be dancing), so setting goals and planning enables me to get the right stuff done.

I’ve been leading my clients through this process of goal setting and business planning that’s unlike anything I’ve seen done elsewhere.

So let’s do this. As Fleetwood Mac sings, “You can go your own way.”

Business Coach Brook McCarthy

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“Brook McCarthy is a delight. Sharp, funny, engaging and always getting at the root of what’s important.”

Sonia van de Haar


“You are a great coach and really stand out from the others. You have great knowledge and understanding of marketing for small businesses like mine.”

Mieke Krijgsman

Smart Styling

Brook is a very experienced, engaging and passionate presenter, with an eye for detail.

Emily May

Fostering Hope Psychology

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