Brook smiling on stage

Be seen, be heard, get paid

Ignite is for ambitious business owners who want to ignite their visibility.

Let me show you how to say something worth listening to, and own your message – so you can be seen, heard, and paid.

October 29 – December 6

Turn up the volume

Imagine if …


You were outrageously yourself, without overthinking everything you put on the internet?

Business owners who are killing it online right now? 

They're brave, bold, and not afraid of sharing their opinions.

They show up imperfectly and don't overthink every post.

They're not afraid of saying something that others may disagree with and they don't waste valuable time scaring themselves with visions of backlash (that never occurs).

They are 100% excited by their message and feel privileged that they get to share it with the world.


Your Messaging



Say something worth listening to



Your voice needs to reach through screens and pluck the heartstrings of strangers

For your marketing to convert into new ideal clients (who bring friends), must to reach through screens to pluck the heartstrings of strangers.

It needs to be confident while also being relatable

It needs to sound distinct and different

It needs to make people feel something and – this part's important – act.

It’s time to stop hiding in plain sight, and start turning up the volume on what makes you, you.

Ignite is for you if:

You're a coach, consultant, strategist (your clients call you an expert) who's ready to revolutionise your marketing. You're DONE with sharing so much value without much return. You're ready to step it up and be bolder.

You want to know what's working right now. You know digital marketing moves fast. And 2024 is very different to what came before. You're not wedded to what used to work - you're leaning into the future you're creating.

You're ready to better use omnichannel marketing for a long-term approach. Yes, social media is great. But if you really want marketing that works for 5-10 years? You've got to take a big picture, omnichannel approach.

How it works:

Over 6 weeks (October 29 to December 3), each week will focus on a new visibility strategy.

Each Tuesday lunchtimes, you'll learn the strategy and then have one piece of content to create. You need to get it done by Thursday if you want feedback.

Each Friday lunchtime, you'll receive detailed, invaluable feedback, to make your marketing more relevant, more powerful, and more profitable

Brook McCarthy sits on a yellow chair in front of a purple background and wearing a red dress

Hi, I’m Brook McCarthy

I’m a veteran business coach and marketing trainer with 19+ years experience in digital communications, 16+ years as a business owner, and 12+ years as a coach and trainer. 

I specialise in helping experts to grow their professional reputation. I work with values-based business owners and for-purpose leaders to help them say something worth listening to – and do something worth talking about. 

The better you are – the more experienced and qualified – the worse your marketing tends to be. And I believe that’s a crying shame. I love equipping and empowering experts to go from the town’s best kept secret to booked out and thriving. My aim? That Ignite doesn’t just make you (far) more money through marketing that actually works, but that you enjoy it!

Kind words from clients

“What I’ve realised over Ignite, is not just the format of the way to tell a good story, but also a completely different way of looking at what stories to share. The stories that work aren’t necessarily epic adventures, and certainly don’t need to be ingratiating, or highly vulnerable. They’re the stories that show that leap in thinking, or the different way of viewing things. I’d never thought about it that way.”

Ruth Kent, Sunrise Well

“Brook’s openness and warmth allowed me to feel safe to delve deep into mindset and blockages I had about money, business, and marketing. Every step of this process has been valuable, and my momentum has shifted. 

Thank you, Brook! Without you, I would still be going around in circles!”

Claire Chow, Connect 4 Social

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with, being challenged by, and growing with Brook for over 3 years. Brook’s honesty is so refreshing and supportive. As an expert in all things business, I highly recommend having Brook as part of your team – from pre-launch, to launch, and to help you remain current and pivot as required. Brook is an exceptional business coach.”

Char Sergen, Haven Yoga Studio

What’s involved & included

Across 6 live modules …


  • We meet at lunchtime over 6 Tuesdays, October 29 – December 3, to learn a new visibility strategy. You’ll have one piece of content to create – which you need to get done by Thursday if you want feedback.
  • We meet at lunchtime over 5 Fridays, October 26 to December 6, to receive detailed, invaluable feedback on how to make your marketing more relevant, more powerful, and more profitable. 
  • Walk away with a new story about yourself. A new identity that aligns with your future, and the tools, swipe files, and strategies to reach through screens and pluck the heartstrings of strangers.
  • You’ll have journaling prompts and embodiment prompts to do BEFORE you create a piece of marketing, to remove the weird tension we sometimes feel through screens, when someone’s appears uncomfortable with their message.
  • You’ll have content prompts to inspire messages that reach through screens to pluck the heartstrings of strangers and make them feel like they know you, like you, trust you – and buy from you.
  • I’m sharing my direct sales content prompts – with specific language that I use to call in next-level premium clients who pay-in-full and show up, primed and ready.
  • Get direct, detailed feedback from me – share your content, ask questions, and make new like-minded business buddies who are turning up the volume on their special something.
  • Take an omnichannel, big picture approach. While Ignite primarily focuses on social media and email, my Influence Framework will show you how to better utilise Google, PR and publicity, partnerships and collaborations, to magnify your impact beyond what you ever dared dream.

My promise to you


Brook McCarthy speaker

We’re NOT here to share our traumas on the internet. You NEVER need be more vulnerable than you’re comfortable with. And, we’re recognising that enduring effects of self-censorship – not just with strangling our visibility (and hence our growth), but in constantly second-guessing ourselves.

I promise you that you don’t need an ‘epic’ story of hardship or triumph. Our most ordinary extraordinary stories need to be told – to practise our empathy and turn up our relatability. 

You will see exactly how your opinions, hard-earned expertise and thought leadership go hand-in-glove with your visibility.

Participant numbers are capped, so that I can properly get to know every single person’s story, communication strengths, and ‘special something’. 

You won’t be conforming to one way of doing things – even though I’m giving you content prompts, headlines and hooks, I’m showing you how and why they work. You’ll understand what other people find fascinating – to make yourself magnetic, for many more years to come.

I’ll coach you through fears, inhibitions and self-consciousness with marketing. I’ll equip you to become FAR more discerning about what’s working, what’s not, and where to spend your time and energy.

The best part? You’ll actually enjoy creating marketing! The world needs to hear your stories. 

Join us!

We kick off October 29 and run until December 6

$1900 AUD
Or 3 payments of $660 AUD
Who is this for?

Ignite for consultants, coaches, speakers, and leaders who want to be bolder with their marketing and stand out as a premium brand that attracts high-value clients.

When is it?
Ignite takes place over 6 weeks from October 29 – December 3. We meet twice a week throughout this period on Tuesdays and Fridays at lunchtimes (Sydney time).
  • Tuesdays: Learn a new visibility strategy. You’ll have one piece of content to create – which you need to get done by Thursday if you want feedback.
  • Fridays: Receive detailed, invaluable feedback on how to make your marketing more relevant, more powerful, and more profitable. Please note, we are meeting 5 out of 6 Fridays in this time.
  • Once you sign up, you’ll be sent a link to import all Ignite sessions directly into your electronic calendar of choice.
Do I get the recordings? For how long?
Yes, you’ll get the recordings of all the sessions — for as long as the program exists. So don’t worry – you have plenty of time to watch, rewatch, and commit this to memory!
Do I have to come to every session?
No, you don’t have to come to every session but the power of live sessions is to keep you accountable to the goals you have set. 
If there’s a session you have to miss, you’ll be emailed the recording after each session to watch in your own time.
Where is it?
The program takes place online via Zoom. You’ll receive the Zoom links via email upon registration.
If there’s a session you have to miss, you’ll be receive access to the recording after each session to watch in your own time.
Can I get feedback from you, Brook?
Yes! You’ll get feedback from me inside our private community and at our Friday sessions. The condition? Get your weekly piece of content done by the Thursday so I can take the time to take a look and review for you.