
Lead with your Social Mission: free video training

For values-based businesses, for-purpose organisations, and social enterprises.

In this FREE video training, recorded live, you’ll learn:

  • Why leading with your social mission helps you attracts your ideal clients
  • How to declare your social mission without sounding like a self-pompous bore
  • Becoming a mutual admiration society with your clients
  • My system to uncover your content strategy
  • Two crucial skills of magnetic marketing
  • The four-step process that I lead clients through to ensure that marketing and reputation-building efforts all reinforce each other
  • How to build your influence and professional reputation
  • Creating purposeful partnerships, borrowing other people’s audience to grow your own
  • The attitude reboot needed to become truly magnetic to new paying clients, as well as publicity opportunities.

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Brook McCarthy business coach

About Brook McCarthy

Hi! I’m Brook. I’m a business coach and trainer with 18 years’ experience, with a background in Public Relations.

I specialise in helping values-based service professionals who feel self-conscious about marketing and would far rather just do the work than talk about it.

I help people to lead with their values to grow their professional reputation so they can attract far more perfect-fit people and the best opportunities.

I first heard about social enterprises when I worked as a tour leader in Cambodia in 2002-2004. For countries facing significant economic and social challenges such as Cambodia, social enterprises make complete sense.

Since my first client, the Centre for Social Impact, in 2008, I’ve worked with a number of for-purpose organisations, social enterprises and not-for-profits, and am a trainer on StartSomeGood’s Good Hustle program on social enterprise design.

Values-based business, for-purpose organisations, ESG, and social enterprises are here to stay. 

Use your values to drive yourself, your business and your marketing

Brook is my favorite digital marketing presenter to put in front of early-stage entrepreneurs. She is great at balancing the strategic and the tactical and the necessary and the aspirational, helping founders figure out where they can have the greatest impact with their efforts. She’s also great fun.

– Tom Dawkins – StartSomeGood

Brook’s session was so engaging and inspiring. Whilst I’ve attended different business courses in the past, hearing the way Brook presented these important messages really clicked with me. I’ve already recommended Brook to several people.

– Sarah Rhodes – Better Business Partnerships

Brook has a phenomenal ability to take a vastly complex topic and distil it down to the most pertinent ‘action points’ so it no longer seems so intimidating.

– Pete Greenaway – Australian Bureau of Statistics