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Brook McCarthy sits on a yellow chair in front of a purple background and wearing a red dress

The only experiment that counts is when people pay

Hey business owner! If you have 21 great ideas before breakfast, test them with paid live experiments.

One of my FAVOURITE parts of being an online business owner? Having an idea in the shower – and selling it that afternoon. Of course, not all ideas are brilliant (and some would be best to stay in the shower, quite frankly!)

But the biggest issue that I see among online business owners? Overthinking and overworking their ideas … and launching far. too. slow. 

The rates of change are exponential right now. Overthinking is killing your profits. Not only that, it’s killing your confidence, too.

It’s time to start testing your ideas by getting them in front of new paying clients (like, today).

This snack-sized offer will guide you through testing your ideas quickly – to new paying clients

My Paid Experiments is a snack-sized, rocket-up-your-arse training to get your ideas out there – and into the hands of your new paying clients.

We focus on:

Grading your ideas – using my scorecard system, which also helps good ideas become great.

Paid live online workshops – the quickest and easiest way to share what you know in an online, short, sharp, live format.

What goes where – what to sell, at what price point, for what purpose.

Since 2012, I’ve been running paid live experiments on all things online business – so I’ve bundled the best of what I know into this short, sharp, (highly) profitable mini training.

“Brook’s honesty is so refreshing and supportive. She’s an exceptional business coach.”

Char Sergen

Haven Yoga Studio

“I really appreciate Brook’s way of understanding my obstacles to being the best business person I can be, and giving me practical strategies to address these.”

Janet Lowndes

Psychologist, Mind Body Well

“Brook is direct, knowledgeable, passionate, enthusiastic and very generous.”

Bettina Pfannkuch

The Art of Balance

This mini-training packs a big punch!
We cover:

The essential elements of a great (read: sold-out) offer

Scorecard to evaluate your ideas – and actionable suggestions to improve your score

Checklist to pre-sell and promote your idea – before you make it

Mix-and-match guide to show you what experiment works best for your particular goal

4 video trainings of 45 minutes total + private podcast for video trainings – to learn on the go

The Program inclusions

Just $9

Stop over-thinking & start launching