: G'day, g'day. I wanted to let you know that I am downloading the audios from WhatsApp and I'm gonna get them transcribed. One of my colleagues nicely pointed out or very respectfully pointed out and I really appreciate it when people do this to me or do this for me, that they had trouble hearing and that captions or transcriptions would be super useful. So I'm gonna do that. And I'm going to make everything available, the three audios plus the transcriptions on a webpage on my website so that you can review it at your leisure. Having said that, I well understand how easy it is to have excellent intentions and not follow through. I am not some kind of wonder person who is bulletproof and Buddha-like. I am just as flawed and normal as everybody else. Everybody else. And there's been many times that I participated in a free event or free program and thought, yes, I'm gonna implement this. Yes, I'm gonna do that. So I wanna give you a couple of quick tips and then I wanna talk about how to take the next step. Firstly, we confuse learning with doing and way too often over the last 12 plus years. of training and coaching, I have come across business owners who have convinced themselves that they're gonna be the perfect student and they have completed every workbook and done all the required lessons and filled out every single question and failed to change a single thing in their business. And this is not a sign of success in my eyes. A sign of success in my eyes is when a participant listens or watches a single piece of training or coaching from me and then implements. And I don't care if it's done, if it's incomplete or if it has been done before the lesson has been completed. It's not important. The most important thing is that it is actually implemented, that something has been changed, something has been done. Because I think we oftentimes confuse the two things, right? We oftentimes confuse learning with doing. And business education is 97% practical and 3% theory, yeah? And so when you implement, of course, you can then start learning from that. You've now got another really great source of learning. And you can always go back to the learning materials and go, okay, well, you know, have I... Could I try this instead? Could I tweak this? Could I iterate that? You know, there's this little piece that I'm not quite 100% certain on, or could I get feedback in some way? This is super important, absolutely critical. So the next thing is if you are keen on continuing the momentum that we've created here, because I wasn't blowing smoke up your ass when I said, this program has the potential to add. tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to your business's bottom line in the next six months. But there's an if in this. And the if is, if you actually implement, if you actually raise your prices, if you actually change the way that you are perceiving yourself in business, perceiving your clients, perceiving your business in the marketplace. if you are actually turning to long-term thinking and stop thinking that, you know, your ass is on fire and that everything needs to happen today because it doesn't. Yeah, we can absolutely definitely take big bold moves in the direction of our future and it doesn't all have to be implemented today. We don't make the best decisions when, you know, we're acting from a place of panic. So if you are keen to continue the momentum of Amplify, then the best thing that I could suggest is Ignite. Now let me start off by saying who Ignite is not for. Ignite is not for business owners who are playing it safe. It is not for business owners who have a kind of a wait and see mentality right now. If you're kind of feeling like I just got to hunker down and I got to wait this one out. and wait for things to pick up and I've got to wait for clients to choose me and I've got to wait to see what happens next. If that's you, then I don't think you're gonna get a lot of value out of Ignite. Ignite is not for people who are obsessed with being perceived to be professional. Because as you may have heard me say, your desire to be perceived as professional is literally killing your visibility. right now. Yeah. So of course we want to be professional over the 12 plus years that I have been you know touring around back in the olden days before COVID. I used to run courses all over Australia. I've run courses internationally as well and every business owner that I'd speak to would say the same thing. Everybody wanted to be professional. Of course we want to be professional but I think we need a better word than professional. We need a word that says something like I want to be perceived as trustworthy. I want to be perceived as credible. And all of those things, credible and trustworthy and other lovely adjectives like them, doesn't mean that you're boring, that you say what your colleagues are saying, that you mimic your colleagues, that you copy your competitors and that you do what everybody else is doing. Because right now, with the algorithms being as they are, an AI turning the age of information into the age of saturation, that is literally killing your visibility. So Ignite is for business owners that recognise this. It's for business owners that recognise that they are the determining factor in their success, that yes, they may feel self-conscious when they're marketing themselves on the internet. but they're not gonna use that as an excuse to not actually be seen and be heard because those that are seen and those that are heard are those that are paid. So I wanna tell you a quick story about what this looks like in action. You might've heard of my life's a pitch party. I ran it in February this year, as well as I think it was July, I can't recall exactly. And as I was on the internet on LinkedIn promoting the Life's a Pitch challenge in February, somebody that I had not a hell of a lot to do with, but I, you know, she'd been in my circles for quite a while. She saw me promoting Life's a Pitch and she reached out to me and said, could you come and speak to my group of female business owners, female business leaders about Life's a Pitch and I will pay you. And I thought, yes, of course. So this is what happens when we are seen and when we are heard. And most importantly, when we turn up the volume and actually say something worth listening to and do something worth talking about, this is the whole point of Ignite, to revitalise and rewrite the stories that we're telling everybody about ourselves, as well as the stories that we're telling ourselves. So a lot of Ignite has to do with the inner work. It's not... just about personal branding, what the kids are calling personal branding. I don't love the term personal branding because I think it encourages people to make caricatures of themselves. It encourages people to kind of dumb down their brilliance and make their messages really kind of simplistic. This is not what we're doing in Ignite. In fact, some of the live modules will be focusing on thought leadership, will be focusing on developing your ideas so that you can get paid for your ideas, not the output of your hours. So we are focusing on lots of different elements inside of Ignite, but most importantly, it's the stories that are reaching through screens to pluck the heartstrings of strangers. And these stories are stories that you put on your homepage, on your website about page. They're the stories that others use to talk about you and introduce you onto stages. They are the stories that you tell through your email marketing, the stories you tell through your social media, the stories you tell through your long form content, whether that's blog posts or whether that's video or perhaps podcasting. We're gonna be focusing on connecting the dots between marketing and sales. So what does that mean? That means rather than just go through the motions of nurturing your audience, nurturing your audience, nurturing your audience, it's shortening the sales cycle, shortening the time between somebody hearing about you for the first time and somebody paying you. So we're also going to be looking at how to develop your densely branded language, which means that you can use this stuff in your bios, in your sales pages in your blog posts and it becomes a kind of a pithy statements, much like politicians kind of repeat over and over again, except ours are going to be a hell of a lot more quirky and a hell of a lot more memorable and interesting than what politicians tend to say. So the early bird pricing for Ignite is open now. You can jump in today on our payment plan. It is very, very easy to get started. We don't kick off until the 29th of October. Yeah, so we don't kick off till the 29th of October and we travel together all the way through to December 6th. So you can kick off with a single payment of $397 today, but the early bird price is not gonna be around for too long, right? The full price is $1,900. So you're gonna save yourself 40% when you buy through the early bird. And as I said, you don't have to be paying the full amount of one, did I say all the ones? Four ones, $1,111. You can instead, if you like, take up the payment plan of three payments of 397. So this is the last time I'm running Ignite this year. And this is gonna hold you in really good stead. to develop your ideas while you're lying on the beach, while you're camping, while you're holidaying or doing whatever you're doing in December and January, because this is a really rich program. There's a lot going on. You get my eyes and my feedback on a whole bunch of different stories. I'm gonna be giving you practical exercises with examples. You're gonna have swipe files. And this is the kind of stuff that doesn't necessarily come out perfectly, you know, sounding perfect the first time. It's something that we have to develop, right? It's not easy. I was having a great conversation this morning with somebody on social media talking about how we expect learning to be easy. And it's not. If you're new to all of this, of course, the first time you attempt to create some densely branded language, it's not going to sound brilliant. Yeah. There has to be a little bit of, what's the word, generosity in the way that we treat ourselves and the way that we talk to ourselves. But you've got ample opportunity inside of Ignite to get feedback from me, one-to-one feedback from me on various stories, various bios, various things that you're going to be developing with us together. So I'm gonna drop the link into this WhatsApp group. Please do go ahead and check it out. but don't sit on it too long if you're keen because the early bird will fly, yeah? I can't wait to get started with our next group. It's gonna be our last group of 2024, and I hope to see you there.