Note from Brook: I first met Gina when she came to one of our online marketing courses in Melbourne. She returned the following year to the next course and we began working closely together after that. Gina has just completed a six-month business coaching mentorship with me and it’s been amazing watching her go from strength-to-strength. In her words …
I had spent several years struggling with both my yoga teaching business and freelance graphic design business, and just couldn’t seem to create much impact with either. I was constantly busy without seeing the results I was after. Everything felt like a struggle and I was always worried about where my next clients and students were going to come from.
I found it difficult to know where to focus my time and energy, was continually getting caught up in the next big online marketing fad and generally feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.
I had tried several online courses trying to find the magic solution but, honestly, I did a lot of reading without taking much action on the lessons. I’d tried a couple of local business coaches in the past but they were either very dry and business-like (read: boring) or, alternatively, would rely solely on the Law of Attraction and not offer very practical advice. I wanted to work directly with someone who could answer my questions as well as keep me accountable so that I’d actually follow through.
I’ve been receiving Brook’s email newsletters for several years and had done their Email Marketing Maven e-course as well as attending two of Brook’s in-person courses in Melbourne. It was important to me that my business coach ‘got me’ and understood the yoga and wellness world, as well as having some life experience.
I was a bit unsure of meeting via Skype but it turned out to be no big deal at all. After each session, I’d feel really energetic and inspired.
I’ve completed overhauled the way I deal with clients and run my business. I have brand new systems and processes in place that are not only far more professional, but have taken away a lot of the guesswork, angst and procrastination. The homework assignments keep me on-track and it’s wonderful to have an ‘office buddy’ to discuss things with.
Things such as my price-list, set processes to respond to enquiries, email templates, and client questionnaires have stopped me feeling so overwhelmed, and I know my clients appreciate all the changes.
I have revamped my website so that it more accurately reflects me and my business and paid far more attention to my use of language, and how it influences not only the kinds of clients I attract, but my own attitude towards my business. I’ve joined several online networking groups and am gradually building my network of both clients and suppliers.
Most importantly, I’m far more confident and far less stressed in my business.
My client base and my bank account are growing. Although the business coaching work focused mainly on my freelance graphic design business, numbers in my yoga classes have also grown due to similar systems I have put in place as well as my new attitude. Brook is very encouraging and understanding, and exceedingly generous with sharing information, insight and client referrals!
I’m looking forward to taking up a second commitment of business coaching with Brook as I feel like we’re only just beginning.
Check out Gina’s website and engage her if you need an inspirational, professional and aligned design for your business.