Welcome to *Meaningful Work, Remarkable Life*. I’m your host, Brook McCarthy, a business coach, trainer, and speaker living and working on the unceded lands of the Camargo people in Sydney, Australia. In this podcast, we explore the paradoxes of working for love and money, magnifying your impact, and doing work you feel born to do. Together, we delve into the meanings we bring to work and the meanings we derive from it.
Welcome to our final episode of season four! This season has revolved around the theme of change, which has been exciting to brainstorm, discuss, and share with you. If you’ve enjoyed the episodes, found value, or sparked any kind of reflection, I’d love it if you left a review on your preferred podcast platform. Your feedback not only helps me but also enables other business owners to discover this show.
Today’s episode focuses on promoting yourself. This is a companion to episode 37, *Calling in Your Next-Level Clients*, which has been one of the most popular of the season. Here, we’ll take a broader look at what it means to promote yourself, starting with this essential reminder: as the business owner, you are the one responsible for advocating for yourself. Waiting for an external sign is futile—it’s up to you to decide when it’s time to step up.
This year, I promoted myself by increasing my take-home pay by 10%. Each month, a direct debit transfers that extra amount from my business account to my personal account. I also raised prices on some services, introduced more affordable offerings, and made other changes to align my business with my goals.
Take-home pay isn’t just about financial formulas or external advice—it’s deeply tied to a business owner’s mindset, attitude toward risk, and beliefs about money. Whether you choose to reinvest profits, save, or pay yourself generously, the key is making intentional decisions that reflect your priorities and values.
Beyond money, promoting yourself can involve practical upgrades. Start with the tools and resources you use most frequently. For instance, improving your workspace—whether it’s your desk, chair, or technology—can eliminate energy leaks and enhance efficiency. Similarly, focus on the front-facing aspects of your business, like branding, photography, and customer-facing processes, as these often yield the most noticeable returns.
Another important area to consider is how you manage the end of client relationships. Offboarding processes can leave lasting impressions and keep doors open for future opportunities or referrals. Even when saying goodbye, it pays to handle transitions with grace and professionalism.
Self-care is another critical component of promoting yourself. Inside my Audacious Mastermind, we prioritize weekly self-care rituals because maintaining energy and joy is essential. Think about how you can upgrade your routines to support your well-being and adapt them as your life and business evolve.
Setting boundaries is equally important. Identify where your energy leaks occur and take steps to address them. As Joseph Campbell famously said, “You make something sacred by drawing a line around it.” Define your boundaries clearly and honor them to preserve your energy and focus.
Lifestyle plays a key role too. It’s the sum of the choices you make throughout your day—where you are, who you’re with, and how you spend your time. Evaluating these details can reveal opportunities to make small changes that have a big impact, like adjusting your schedule to reclaim valuable time.
Lastly, as you promote yourself, think about the future. Reflect on what inspires you in other businesses and how you might adapt those elements creatively. Consider emerging trends and shifts in your industry—not as threats, but as opportunities to evolve and grow. Challenge yourself to dream big and imagine various scenarios for your business, allowing your creativity to take the lead.
As we wrap up this episode and season four, I want to thank you for joining me on this journey. If this conversation has sparked new ideas or shifted your perspective, I’d greatly appreciate a quick review to help others discover the podcast. It’s been an incredible season, and I look forward to connecting with you again soon.